Become a Label-Reading Pro Which cereal fills your bowl for the fewest calories? Is that bread whole grain? Which spaghetti sauce is lowest in sodium? The answers to these questions are right on the “Nutrition Facts” label and the product’s ingredient list. Don’t be intimidated—when you know what to look for, it’s actually pretty easy to figure it all out. In fact, if you can master the art of label reading, you’ll be able to grab the healthiest, and most slimming foods every time. (Needless to say, one of the many perks of choosing whole foods like fruits and vegetables is that there’s no need to read a label.)
Reading the nutrition facts label will help you select the healthiest products—those that are lower in calories, saturated fat, sugar, sodium; and higher in fiber.
Label Readers Are Such Big Losers… (And I Mean That in a Good Way!) Label readers consume 164 fewer calories daily and have diets that are lower in sugar, saturated fat and sodium, and higher in fiber, according to one government study. Another large survey found that women who read food labels have a BMI 1.5 points lower than those who don’t. (That’s approximately a 9-pound difference. WOAH!)
How do you think that label reading will take you to the best level in your body transformation?
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