This science-based vegan bodybuilding supplement plan will help you shed fat and maximize results!

Smart nutrition and intense training are the most crucial parts of building a strong body. Supplements are not mandatory but are important for great results. However, they will never replace diet and exercise. Here’s the bottom line, if you put in the effort, supplements will definitely enhance your results.
Before we dive into how and when you should take each supplement, let’s explain the “why” behind them.
Protein Powder
Protein powder is an essential vegan bodybuilders powerhouse. It can be difficult to reach your daily protein requirements as a vegan especially if you are not supplementing with a high quality protein powder. Always look for a protein powder that contains at least 25 grams of protein per scoops. Any less than this, you’ll find yourself adding about 5 scoops to get a decent amount of protein which can not only be costly and way too thick to stomach. Yikes!
Here are 2 of my faves:
Plant Fusion Vegan Protein Powder + BCAA’s and Digestive Enzymes
Truvani Plant Based Vegan Protein Powder
However, you may choose whatever protein powder suits your tastes and budget as long as the protein content is high and it does not contain a lot of sugar. If you find your are falling short of your protein requirements, add an additional scoop of powder to your protein shake. I personally like to have a minimum of 50g protein per shake.
L-Glutamine is one of the most important nutrients for a healthy digestive tract because of its ability to maintain the integrity of the intestinal wall. This amino acid (in fact it’s the most abundant amino acid in the body) is great for recovery as it heals all tissue in the body, especially those irritated tissues in the digestive tract. It is also known as the calming amino acid since it’s very effective at reducing anxiety, as well as sugar and alcohol cravings.
I buy this brand of L-Glutamine
Shakes, Pills & Oils
Post Workout Shake
A good post workout product will provide you with adequate doses of BCAA, creatine, leucine, glutamine and fast digesting carbs to replenish muscle glycogen and shuttle nutrients to your muscles. Ideally, carbohydrates should be separate from the other ingredients so that you can adjust your carb intake as needed for your body size and goals, so don’t be tempted to by an “all in one” drink. This is why (I believe) it’s important to mix your own post workout. Details of how to do this are detailed below in the supplement schedule.
Flax Oil
Flax oil supplements are a great source of essential omega-3 acids. Omega-3 fats may help reduce your risk of coronary heart disease, as well as support healthy brain and joint function. But for those who train, nothing is more exciting than current research suggesting flax oil may help with muscle growth and recovery as well as support fat loss. If you’re not already taking
a flax oil supplement, pick one up today. One tablespoon in the morning is all that is needed to enjoy the benefits.
Fat Burner
The addition of a fat burner to your supplement stack is especially important when doing a “shred” program (fat loss program). It’s important NOT to overuse fat burning products though as your body will eventually become accustomed to them at which point you’ll stop seeing the benefits. Save the fat burners for when you’re shredding. I recommend l-carnitine, caffeine and green tea extract.
Acetyl L-Carnitine
Acetyl L-Carnitine is L-Carnitine with an acetyl group attached. This attachment increases carnitine uptake by the body, making it more effective. It is able to enter the brain, where it may aid in brain function,
boost alertness and support positive mood. In other areas of the body such as muscle cells, carnitine aids fat loss by transporting fatty acids into the power centers of cells, called mitochondria. These power centers work to
generate energy by burning up nutrients such as fat for fuel.
This potent central nervous system stimulant increases alertness, mental focus, and your pain threshold during workouts. It also functions as a powerful fat burner. Since it is a stimulant caffeine naturally increases the
number of calories your body burns. Caffeine also attaches to receptors on fat cells to blunt fat storage and increase fatty acid release.
Green Tea Extract
Green tea enhances fat loss and offers a whole host of additional health and physique benefits, including joint support and muscle recovery. It aids fat loss by boosting daily calorie burn. The ingredients in green tea responsible for this effect are called catechins. The most important catachan is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG inhibits an enzyme that normally breaks down epinephrine, a neurotransmitter and hormone
that boosts metabolic rate and fat burning.
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)
Conjugated linoleic acid is a naturally occurring group of omega-6 fats that aids fat loss and supports lean mass. CLA burns body fat by boosting your metabolic rate and inhibiting the enzyme liver protein lipase (LPL). LPL allows fat cells to pull fat from the bloodstream and store it as body fat.
By inhibiting LPL, CLA encourages the body to burn fat instead of storing it. By helping the body use fat for fuel, CLA also spares your muscle mass. When your body is fueling itself with fats, it doesn’t need to break down
muscle tissue for additional fuel. In this way, CLA can help you burn unwanted fat and preserve your hard-earned muscle.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Studies have shown that raw, unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar may be beneficial to fat loss as when eaten with a meal as it helps the stomach to break down food faster, so it stays in the digestive tract for a shorter time. The less time food stays in your intestines, the less calories are absorbed. It can be taken on it’s own, or mixed with a little water. Any brand is fine as long as it is raw and unfiltered. My favorite is Bragg’s Organic Apple Cider Vinegar. Try taking 1 tablespoon (with water) before or after each meal.
Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)
Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are a group of three essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. BCAA supplements are commonly taken in order to boost muscle growth and enhance exercise performance.
They may also help with weight loss and reduce fatigue after exercise. Some plant-based protein powders already contain BCAA’s, so this BCAA category will be fulfilled via your intra-workout protein shake and/or your post-workout shake.
Wake-up Supplements
- Caffeine – 200-300 mg (either supplement or in your morning beverage)
- Green Tea Extract – 500-1000 mg
- Acetyl L-Carnitine – 2 g
Pre-Workout (30-50 min before workout)
- Caffeine – 200-300mg
- Green Tea Extract – 500-1000mg
- Acetyl L-Carnitine – 2g
- Creatine – 5g
- BCAA – 5g
Intra-workout (Sip immediately before and throughout workout)
- 1-2 scoops Protein Powder (add to 20-24 ounces of water to make protein shake)
Post-Workout Protein Shake (consume within 30 minutes after workout)
- Protein powder – 2 scoops
- BCAA – 5g (omit it protein powder contains BCAA’s)
- Creatine – 1.5-5g
- L Glutamine – 3-5g
- Leucine – 5g
- (Blend the above together as a protein shake)
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Affiliate Disclosure: many of these links are affiliate links so if you purchase any of these items through the links on this page, I make a small commission that is used to help keep That Green Lyfe up and running. I only link to products I personally use or have used and support. If you purchase through my links, you have my sincere thanks!
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